






Oxygen Content Method

Oxygen Content Method, Total:289 items.

In the international standard classification, Oxygen Content Method involves: Analytical chemistry, Air quality, Mining and quarrying, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Natural gas, Testing of metals, Non-ferrous metals, Pesticides and other agrochemicals, Physics. Chemistry, Manufacturing processes in the rubber and plastics industries, Insulating fluids, Coals, Sterilization and disinfection, Inorganic chemicals, Plastics, Products of the chemical industry, Fuels, Metalliferous minerals, Petroleum products in general, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Welding, brazing and soldering, Chipless working equipment, Paper and board, Non-metalliferous minerals, Nuclear energy engineering, Textile fibres, Water quality, Wastes, Semiconducting materials, Powder metallurgy, General methods of tests and analysis for food products, Fruits. Vegetables, Materials for the reinforcement of composites, Hydraulic energy engineering, Construction materials, Installations in buildings, Protective equipment.

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Oxygen Content Method

Indonesia Standards, Oxygen Content Method

  • SNI 19-4174-1996 Determination of sulphuric oxide (SO2) in air by Pararosanilina method
  • SNI 19-1432-1989 Exhaust-gases, Test methods for nitrogen dioxide content
  • SNI 19-2877-1992 Exhaust - gases, Test method for cyanide hydrogen content
  • SNI 19-1424-1989 Test methods for sulphur dioxide content of ambient air
  • SNI 13-4125-1996 Code for measurement of carbon dioxide gas on underground mining
  • SNI 19-1131-1989 Test method for carbon monoxide content in ambient air
  • SNI 19-1502-1989 Test method for nitrogen oxides content of air in working area
  • SNI 13-3485-1994 Coal, Determination of carbon dioxide
  • SNI 19-4173-1996 Determination of mercury content in air using mercury analyzer
  • SNI 19-1126-1989 Test method for sulfur dioxide content in a working area
  • SNI 06-0709-1989 Petroleum products and their derivatives, Test method for liquid hydrocarbon content by fluoresence indicator absorption
  • SNI 13-4172-1996 Determination of total ferro oxide (Fe2O3) in phosphatic rock specimens by atomic absorption spectrometer method
  • SNI 19-7119.8-2005 Ambient atmospheres - Part 8: Test methods of oxidant content by neutral buffer potassium iodide using spectrophotometers
  • SNI 19-2965-1992 Exhaust - gases, Test method for mercury content
  • SNI 19-1501-1989 Test methods for total nitrogen oxide in air
  • SNI 19-1666-1989 Exhaust-gases, Test methods for vanadium content
  • SNI 19-2966-1992 Ambient air, Test methods for lead content

YU-JUS, Oxygen Content Method

  • JUS H.F8.121-1986 Gases. Oxygen. Determination of oxygen content. Absorption method
  • JUS H.F8.150-1989 Gases. Determination ofcarbon dioxide. Choice of methods
  • JUS H.F8.180-1989 Gases. Determination of sulphur dioxide. Choice of methods
  • JUS H.F8.190-1989 Gases. Determination of carbon monoxide. Choice ofmetfiods
  • JUS H.F8.125-1986 Gases. Determination of oxygen content Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.F8.122-1986 Gases. Determination of oxygen content. Gas chromatographic method
  • JUS H.F8.191-1986 Gases. Determination of carbon monoxide. Absorption method
  • JUS H.F8.152-1986 Gases. Determination ofcarbon dioxid content. Gas chromatographic methctC/
  • JUS H.F8.151-1986 Gases. Determination of carbon dioxid content. Absorption method
  • JUS H.F8.123-1986 Gases. Determination of oxygen contentingases and gas mfxture. Electrochemical method with solid electrolyte
  • JUS H.F8.124-1986 Gases. Determination ofoxygen content. Electrochemical method with liguid orgel electrolyte
  • JUS B.G8.514-1982 BauKite. Methods of analysis. Methods for determination of titanium dioxide content
  • JUS B.G8.513-1982 Baunite. Methods of analysis. Determination of iron oxidecontent
  • JUS B.G8.512-1982 Bauxite. Methods of analysis, Determination of alumina

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Oxygen Content Method

  • KS M 2300-2005 Methods for determination of oxygen in flue gas
  • KS D 2533-2009 Determination of oxygen in titanium and its alloy
  • KS D 1969-2007 Method for determination of oxygen in copper
  • KS M 2097-2005 Methods for determination of carbon monoxide in flue gas
  • KS E 3733-1989 Determination or Carbon Monoxide and Temperature in Combustion Gases of Holed Briquette
  • KS M ISO 979-2017(2022) Sodium hydroxide for industrial use-Method of assay
  • KS M ISO 979-2022 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use-Method of assay
  • KS E 3081-2002 Determination of N oxygen in manganese ores
  • KS B 5353-1980 Continuous Analyzers for Oxygen in Flue Gas
  • KS D 1778-2008 General rules for determination of oxygen in metallic materials
  • KS M 5559-1984 Test methods for epoxide contents in epoxide RESIN for paint
  • KS M 2408-2003 Test method for determination of oxygenates in gasoline by gas chromatography
  • KS M 2060-1982 Test method for sulfur in petroleum products using Combustion Tube Method (QUARTZ OXYGEN TUBE)
  • KS F 2603-2021 Method for measuring amount of room ventilation(carbon dioxide method)
  • KS T ISO 15985:2012 Plastics-Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradability and disintegration under high ― solids anaerobic ― digestion conditions ― Method by analysis released biogas
  • KS F 2603-1986 Method for measuring amount of room ventilation(carbon dioxide method)
  • KS F 2603-2016 Method for measuring amount of room ventilation(carbon dioxide method)
  • KS K 0439-2019 Test method for titanium dioxide content of rayon yarn

PL-PKN, Oxygen Content Method

  • PN Z04075-1961 Speedy Me?hod for De?er mina?ion of Ni?rogen Oxyde* in Air
  • PN C84002-17-1986 Sodium hydroxide technical Determination of calcium and magnesium content Complexometric methods
  • PN C89085-17-1986 Epoxy resins Methods of testing Determination of total chlorine and bromine content
  • PN C89085-14-1992 Epoxy resins Methods of testing Determination of ionic chlorine content

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Oxygen Content Method

  • T/FSI 131-2023 Determination method for hydroxyl content of fumed silica-TGA
  • T/FSI 049-2020 Test method for silanol content on the surface of fumed silica

RU-GOST R, Oxygen Content Method

Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, Oxygen Content Method

  • YS/T 335-2009 Metallographic determination methods of oxygen content in oxygen-free copper
  • YS/T 534.5-2006 Determination of sodium oxide content by chemical analysis method of aluminum hydroxide
  • YS/T 534.3-2006 Aluminum Hydroxide Chemical Analysis Method Molybdenum Blue Photometric Determination of Silica Content

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Oxygen Content Method

  • GB/T 6696-1986 Analytical method of content for omethoate
  • GB/T 43503-2023 Natural gas—Determination of oxygen—Electrochemical method
  • GB/T 12007.3-1989 Epoxide resins--Determination of total chlorine content
  • GB 12007.3-1989 Method for Determination of Total Chlorine Content of Epoxy Resin
  • GB/T 14605-1993 Determination of trace argon, nitrogen and krypton inoxygen. Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 19559-2008 Method of determining coalbed gas content
  • GB/T 6610.5-2003 Chemical analysis methods of aluminium hydroxide-Determination of sodium oxide content
  • GB/T 19559-2004 Method of determining coalbed methane content
  • GB/T 11840-1989 Determination of moisture in uranium dioxide pellets
  • GB/T 11213.1-1989 Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber--Determination method of mass fraction
  • GB/T 14144-1993 Test method for determination of radial interstitial oxygen variation in silicon
  • GB/T 14144-2009 Testing method for determination of radial interstitial oxygen variation in silicon
  • GB/T 14143-1993 Infrared Absorption Measurement Method of Oxygen Content in the Gap of 300-900μm Silicon Wafer
  • GB/T 1557-2006 The method of determining interstitial oxygen content in silicon by infrared absorption
  • GB/T 1876-1995 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of carbon dioxide content--Gasometric method
  • GB/T 6609.5-2004 Chemical analysis methods and determination of physical performance of alumina Determination of sodium oxide content
  • GB/T 1557-1989 The method of determining interstitial oxygen content in silicon by infrared absorption
  • GB/T 6610.3-2003 Chemical analysis methods of aluminium hydroxide-Determination of silicon dioxide content-Molybdenum blue photometric method
  • GB/T 12010.11-1989 Determination for sodium hydroxide contents of polyvinyl alcohol resins

Professional Standard - Agriculture, Oxygen Content Method

  • GB 6696-1986 Omethoate content analysis method
  • SN/T 0546-1996 Determination method of calcium oxide, magnesium oxide and sulfur content in langbeinite for export

BE-NBN, Oxygen Content Method

  • NBN T 94-201-1975 Air sampling and analysis methods — Determination of sulphur dioxide (SO2) content in ambient air — Hydrogen peroxide method
  • NBN T 94-302-1976 Determination of nitrogen oxydes and of nitrogen monoxyde contents of ambient air - Griess-Saltzman method
  • NBN T 94-301-1976 Determination of nitrogen dioxyde contents of ambient air -Griess-Saltzman method
  • NBN B 13-202-1976 Construction lime. Test method, specified content of calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide
  • NBN B 13-203-1976 Construction lime. Trial method, carbon dioxide content

British Standards Institution (BSI), Oxygen Content Method

  • BS ISO 7383-1:2024 Fine bubble technology. Evaluation method for determining gas content in fine bubble dispersions in water - Oxygen content
  • BS 7427:1991 Method for determination of titanium dioxide content of paper and board
  • BS 4140-18:1986 Methods of test for aluminium oxide. Determination of phosphorus content
  • BS 4140-19:1986 Methods of test for aluminium oxide. Determination of boron content
  • BS ISO 18871:2015 Method of determining coalbed methane content
  • BS 4140-5:1986 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of silica content
  • BS EN ISO 2613-2:2023 Analysis of natural gas. Silicon content of biomethane. Determination of siloxane content by gas chromatography with ion mobility spectrometry
  • BS 4140-12:1986 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of vanadium content
  • BS EN 13274-6:2002 Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test - Determination of carbon dioxide content of the inhalation air
  • BS 4140-17:1986 Methods of test for aluminium oxide. Determination of fluorine content
  • BS 4140-14:1997 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of calcium content

GOST, Oxygen Content Method

Professional Standard - Electricity, Oxygen Content Method

  • DL 450-1991 Method of test for gas content in insulating oil (CO2 elution method)
  • DL 433-1992 Test method of chlorinity in fire resistant oil (oxygen steel bomb method)

GSO, Oxygen Content Method

  • DL/T 450-1991 Test method for gas content in insulating oil - Carbon dioxide elution method
  • DL/T 433-1992 Determination of chlorine content in fire-resistant oil (oxygen bomb method)
  • BH GSO ISO 979:2017 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use -- Method of assay
  • GSO ISO 979:2015 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use -- Method of assay

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Oxygen Content Method

  • ISO 1994:1976 Hard coal; Determination of oxygen content
  • ISO/DIS 7383-1:2023 Fine bubble technology — Evaluation method for determining gas content in ultrafine bubble dispersions in water — Part 1: Oxygen content
  • ISO/DIS 7383 Fine bubble technology — Evaluation method for determining oxygen content in fine bubble dispersions in water
  • ISO 991:1976 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of carbonates content — Gas-volumetric method
  • ISO 980:1976 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of carbonates content — Gas-volumetric method
  • ISO 18871:2015 Method of determining coalbed methane content

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Oxygen Content Method

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Oxygen Content Method

  • ASTM D2914-15(2022) Standard Test Methods for Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (West-Gaeke Method)
  • ASTM D1652-11(2019) Standard Test Method for Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins
  • ASTM D2914-01 Standard Test Methods for Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (West-Gaeke Method)
  • ASTM D1652-97 Standard Test Methods for Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins
  • ASTM D1652-11e1 Standard Test Method for Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins
  • ASTM D1652-11 Standard Test Method for Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins
  • ASTM D1652-04 Standard Test Method for Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins
  • ASTM D2914-95 Standard Test Methods for Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (West-Gaeke Method)
  • ASTM D1607-91(2018)e1 Standard Test Method for Nitrogen Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (Griess-Saltzman Reaction)
  • ASTM D1607-91(2000)e1 Standard Test Method for Nitrogen Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (Griess-Saltzman Reaction)
  • ASTM D2914-15 Standard Test Methods for Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (West-Gaeke Method)
  • ASTM D2914-01(2007) Standard Test Methods for Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (West-Gaeke Method)
  • ASTM D5599-18 Standard Test Method for Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography and Oxygen Selective Flame Ionization Detection
  • ASTM D5599-17 Standard Test Method for Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography and Oxygen Selective Flame Ionization Detection
  • ASTM D3246-05 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry
  • ASTM D1355-60(1967)e1 Method of Continuous Analysis and Automatic Recording of the Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere
  • ASTM D3246-14 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry
  • ASTM D3246-15 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry
  • ASTM F5-60(1982)e1 Test Method for Volatile Content of Germanium Dioxide
  • ASTM D1607-91(2005) Standard Test Method for Nitrogen Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (Griess-Saltzman Reaction)
  • ASTM E1569-09 Standard Test Method for Determination of Oxygen in Tantalum Powder by Inert Gas Fusion Technique
  • ASTM D3608-95(2005) Standard Test Method for Nitrogen Oxides (Combined) Content in the Atmosphere by the Griess-Saltzman Reaction
  • ASTM E1569-93(1998) Standard Test Method for Determination of Oxygen in Tantalum Powder
  • ASTM D1847-93(1998) Standard Test Methods for Total Chlorine Content of Epoxy Resins
  • ASTM D129-00 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (General Bomb Method)
  • ASTM D129-00(2005) Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (General Bomb Method)
  • ASTM D1607-91(2011) Standard Test Method for Nitrogen Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (Griess-Saltzman Reaction)
  • ASTM C1502-09 Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Chlorine and Fluorine in Uranium Dioxide and Gadolinium Oxide

TR-TSE, Oxygen Content Method


國(guó)家市場(chǎng)監(jiān)督管理總局、中國(guó)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會(huì), Oxygen Content Method

  • GB/T 40789-2021 Gas analysis—Online automated measuring systems for content of carbon monoxide , carbon dioxide and oxygen—Determination of performance characteristics
  • GB/T 19559-2021 Method of determining coalbed methane content
  • GB/T 37632-2019 Man-made fiber—Test method for titanium dioxide content
  • GB/T 1557-2018 Test method for determining interstitial oxygen content in silicon by infrared absorption

VN-TCVN, Oxygen Content Method

  • TCVN 5360-1991 Graphite.Method for the determination of uranium oxide content
  • TCVN 4429-1987 Sandstone.Method for determination of calcium oxide content
  • TCVN 4427-1987 Sandstone.Method for the determination of iron oxide content
  • TCVN 5361-1991 Graphite.Method for the determination of thorium oxide content
  • TCVN 4424-1987 Sandstone.Method for the determination of zirconium dioxide content
  • TCVN 3648-1981 Tin ores.Method for the determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide contents
  • TCVN 3640-1981 Tin ores.Method for the determination of tungsten oxide content
  • TCVN 2829-1979 Bauxite.Method for the determination of magnesium oxide and calcium oxide contents
  • TCVN 5354-1991 Graphite.Method for the determination of silicon dioxide content
  • TCVN 4423-1987 Sandstone.Method for the determination of uranium oxide content
  • TCVN 3639-1981 Tin ores.Method for the determination of aluminium oxide content
  • TCVN 4425-1987 Sandstone.Method for the determination of titanium dioxide content
  • TCVN 4428-1987 Sandstone.Method for determination of silicon dioxide content
  • TCVN 2729-1987 Concentrate of chromium ore.Method for the determination of chromicoxide content
  • TCVN 3895-1984 Natural gases.Gas chromatography method for the determination of carbon dioxided and hydrogen contents
  • TCVN 3720-1982 Tin ores.Determination of zirconium dioxide content
  • TCVN 3641-1981 Tin ores.Method for the determination of silicon dioxide content
  • TCVN 2730-1987 Concentrate of chromium ore.Method for the determination of calcium oxide content
  • TCVN 3719-1982 Tin ores.Method for the determination of titanium dioxide content
  • TCVN 7890-2008 Refractory materials.Test methods for determination of magnesium oxide
  • TCVN 2732-1987 Concentrate of chromium ore.Method for the determination of silicon dioxide content
  • TCVN 7726-2007 Ambient air.Determination of sulfur dioxide.Ultraviolet fluorescence method
  • TCVN 3796-1983 Sodium hydroxide technical.Method of test for sodium chloride content

Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Oxygen Content Method

  • SN/T 3362-2012 Method for hydrocarbon types, oxygenated compounds and benzene in gasoline.Multidimensional gas chromatography
  • SN/T 0546-2004 Test method of calcium oxide,magnesium oxide and sulfur content in kieserite for export
  • SN/T 1633-2005 Determination of zirconia (hafnium) oxide in zirconia-alumina--Back titration with zirconium oxychloride standard solution
  • SN/T 1478-2004 Determination of titanium dioxide in cosmetics - ICP-AES

ES-AENOR, Oxygen Content Method

  • UNE 77-080-1989 Methods for analyzing industrial water. Technical standards for oxygen content measuring tools
  • UNE 80-217-1991 Methods of testing cement. Determination of the chloride, carbon dioxide and alcali content of cement

KR-KS, Oxygen Content Method

Professional Standard - Petroleum, Oxygen Content Method

  • SY/T 7506-1996 Narural gas.Determination of carbon dioxide content.Barium hydroxide method
  • SY/T 6940-2013 Measurement method of shale gas content
  • SY/T 6027-1994 Electron Probe Quantitative Analysis Method for Oxygenated Minerals

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Oxygen Content Method

  • CNS 14476-2000 Method of test for sulfur in petroleum gas by oxidative microcoulometry

Association Francaise de Normalisation, Oxygen Content Method

  • NF X43-018:1983 Air pollution. Measurement of nitrogen oxides by chemiluminescence.
  • NF EN 14582:2016 Characterization of waste - Halogen and sulfur content - Oxygen combustion in closed systems and dosing methods
  • NF X43-024*NF ISO 13964:1999 Air quality. Determination of ozone in ambient air. Ultraviolet photometric method.

Qinghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Oxygen Content Method

SCC, Oxygen Content Method

  • NS 4869:1985 Air quality — Nitrogen dioxide content in workplace atmosphere — Colometric metod
  • BS 4140-14:1990 Methods of test for aluminium oxide-Determination of calcium content
  • CSA Z223.23-M1981-1981(R1999) Method for the Measurement of Ozone in Air
  • BS EN 725-3:1994 Advanced technical ceramics. Methods of test for ceramic powders.-Determination of the oxygen content of non-oxides by thermal extraction with a carrier gas
  • 05/30133797 DC BS EN 14582. Characterisation of waste. Hologen and sulfur content. Oxygen combustion in closed systems and determination methods
  • BS 1747-4:1963 Methods for measurement of air pollution. The lead dioxide method
  • NS 9043:1981 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of carbonates content — Gas-volumetric method
  • CSA Z223.22-M1980-1980(R1999) Method for the Measurement of Sulphur Dioxide in Air

NL-NEN, Oxygen Content Method

  • NEN 2041-1982 Air quality — Ambient air — Photometric determination of the nitrogen monoxide content (oxidation/Saltzman method)
  • NEN 2044-1985 Air quahty - txhaust gases Wet chemical determination of nitrogen oxides content
  • NEN 2789-1983 Air quality - Ambient air - Photometric determination of ozone content with indigo disulphonate

RO-ASRO, Oxygen Content Method

  • SR 110-11-1998 Sugar. Methods of analysis. Determination of sulfur dioxide content
  • STAS SR 13359-10-2001 Glucose - Methods of analysis - Determination of sulfur dioxyde content-iodometric method

Professional Standard - Coal, Oxygen Content Method

  • MT/T 837-1999 Method of determining minimum oxygen content concentration for coal dust explosion

國(guó)家能源局, Oxygen Content Method

HU-MSZT, Oxygen Content Method

  • MSZ 21853/8-1977 Air pollutant content detection. Magnesium oxide content detection
  • MSZ 5200/8.lap-1958 Generator water detection. oxygen content
  • MSZ KGST 928-1978 Concept of Determining Oxygen Content Copper
  • MSZ 12303/2-1984 Chemical analysis of fireproof raw material products with zirconium oxide content (IV) Nitrogen oxide (silicon dioxide) content defines gravimetric measurement method
  • MSZ 12303/6-1984 Chemical analysis of fireproof raw material products with zirconium oxide content (IV) and nitrogen oxide (Ti02) content defined by a photometric method

NO-SN, Oxygen Content Method

  • NS 4869-1985 Air quality - Nitrogen dioxide content in workplace atmosphere - Colometric metod

SE-SIS, Oxygen Content Method

Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, Oxygen Content Method

  • YB/T 4225-2010 Determination method of silica content in quartz sand
  • YB/T 4328-2012 Determination method of free calcium oxide content in steel slag
  • YB/T 1596-1999 Chemical analysis method of titanium concentrate (rock ore) EGTA-CyDTA volumetric method for determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide content
  • YB/T 505.4-2007 Vanadium and titanium slag Determination of calcum and magnesium content-method
  • YB/T 159.6-1999 Methods for chemical analysis of titanium concentrate (rock minerals).The EGTA-CyDTA volumetric method for the determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide content

German Institute for Standardization, Oxygen Content Method

  • DIN ISO 13964:1999 Air quality - Determination of ozone in ambient air - Ultraviolet photometric method (ISO 13964:1998)

AT-ON, Oxygen Content Method

  • ONORM M 5876-1999 Measurement of the oxygen content of water and waste water - Continuous electrochemical method

Professional Standard - Textile, Oxygen Content Method

  • FZ/T 50027-2015 Man-made fibres.Test method for determination of the titanium dioxide content

Sichuan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Oxygen Content Method

  • DB51/T 2045-2015 Determination method of high-purity vanadium pentoxide potassium oxide and sodium oxide content

工業(yè)和信息化部, Oxygen Content Method

  • HG/T 5016-2016 Determination method of fluorine content in fluorine-containing waste gas
  • YS/T 1210-2018 Microscope polarization test method for oxygen content in copper

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Oxygen Content Method

  • AS 3580.7.1:1992 Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air - Determination of carbon monoxide - Direct-reading instrumental method

中華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗(yàn)檢疫總局、中國(guó)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會(huì), Oxygen Content Method

  • GB/T 218-2016 Determination of the carbonate carbon dioxide content in coal

未注明發(fā)布機(jī)構(gòu), Oxygen Content Method

  • ASTM RR-C26-1009 2000 C1457-Test Method for Determination of Total Hydrogen Content of Uranium Oxide Powders and Pellets by Carrier Gas Extraction

IN-BIS, Oxygen Content Method

  • IS 5182 Pt.18-1974 Air pollution measurement methods Part XVIII Continuous analysis and automatic recording of oxidant content in the atmosphere

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Oxygen Content Method

  • GJB 533.22-1988 Detection method for 45 components of submarine cabin air. Determination of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and methane content by gas chromatography.
  • GJB 533.2-1988 Detection method for 45 components of submarine cabin air - Determination of carbon monoxide content Calibration tube method
  • GJB 533.6-1988 Detection method for 45 components of submarine cabin air. Calibration tube method for determination of carbon dioxide content.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Oxygen Content Method

Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry, Oxygen Content Method

  • EJ/T 1212.11-2018 Analytical methods for sintered gadolinia-uranium dioxide pellets - Part 11: Determination of total gas content by thermal vacuum extraction
  • EJ/T 1212.11-2008 Test methods for analysis of sintered gadolinium oxide-uranium dioxide pellets.Part11: Determination of total gas by hot vacuum extraction

Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Oxygen Content Method

  • DB35/T 1625-2016 Determination of impurity content in carbon monoxide by gas chromatography

Professional Standard - Water Conservancy, Oxygen Content Method

  • SL 132-1995 Method for calibration of vapor-pressure type air entrainment meter

Professional Standard - Building Materials, Oxygen Content Method

  • JC/T 601-2009 Methods for determining air content in cement morter
  • JC/T 601-1995 Method for measuring air content in cement bonded sand

ZA-SANS, Oxygen Content Method

Professional Standard - Electron, Oxygen Content Method

  • SJ/T 10627-1995 Test methods for oxygen precipitation characterization of silicon wafers by measurement of interstitial oxygen reduction

VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Oxygen Content Method

  • VDI 2468 Blatt 1-1978 Gaseous air pollution measurement; measurement of ozone and peroxide concentration; potassium iodide method (standard method)

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