






Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method, Total:25 items.

In the international standard classification, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method involves: Water quality, General methods of tests and analysis for food products, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Soil quality. Pedology, Vocabularies, Fertilizers, Non-metalliferous minerals, Environmental testing.

Professional Standard - Water Conservancy, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • SL 84-1994 Determination of nitrogen (nitrate)(Ultraviolet spectrophtometric method)

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • GB 6912.1-1986 Determination of nitrate and nitrite - Nitrate UV photometric method
  • GB 6912.2-1986 Determination of nitrate and nitrite - Nitrite UV photometric method
  • GB/T 6912.1-1986 Methods for analysis of water for boiler and for cooling--The determination of nitrates and nitrites--Ultraviolet spectrophotometry for nitrates
  • GB/T 6912.2-1986 Methods for analysis of water for boiler and for cooling--The determination of nitrates and nitrites--Ultraviolet spectrophotometry for nitrites
  • GB/T 6912.1-2006 Methods for analysis of water for boiler and for cooling. Determination of nitrates and nitrites. Part 1: Ultraviolet spectrophotometry for nitrates

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • HJ/T 346-2007 Water quality. Determination of nitrate-nitrogen. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry
  • HJ 634-2012 Soil.Determination of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate by extraction with potassium chloride solution-spectrophotometric methods

YU-JUS, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • JUS H.Z1.137-1985 Testing of industrial vvaters. Determination of nitrite-nitrate and the combined nitrite-nitrate nitrogen, Spectrophotometric method

Danish Standards Foundation, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • DS 223:1991 Water analysis. Determination of the sum of nitrite- and nitrate-nitrogen
  • DS/EN ISO 13395:1997 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
  • DS 230:1988 Water quality. Nitrate- + nitrite-nitrogen. Reduction by Devardas alloy

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • T/CPCIF 0168-2021 Rapid detection kits for nitrite,nitrate and ammonia nitrogen in water

RO-ASRO, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • STAS SR ISO 7408:1993 Fertilizers. Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content in the presence of other substances which release ammonia when treated with sodium hydroxide. Titrimetric method

SCC, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • NS 4745:1991 Water analysis - Determination of the sum of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen
  • DANSK DS/EN ISO 13395:1997 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection

RU-GOST R, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

NO-SN, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • NS 4745-1991 Water analysis - Determination of the sum of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen

National Metrological Verification Regulations of the People's Republic of China, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • JJG 656-2013 Verification Regulation of Nitrate-Nitrogen Automatic Analyzers

Hubei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • DB42/T 2120-2023 Determination of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in soil by gas phase molecular absorption spectrometry

Professional Standard - Agriculture, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • NY/T 1279-2007 Determination of Nitrate in Vegetables and Fruits UV-spectrophotometer

Professional Standard - Geology, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • DZ/T 0064.59-1993 Groundwater Quality Examination Method Determination of Nitrate by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry

NL-NEN, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • NEN 6581-1985 Rain water - UV-photometric determination of nitrate content

Indonesia Standards, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • SNI 19-6964.7-2003 Seawater quality - Part 7: Test methods of nitrates (NO3-N) with cadmium reduction by spectrophotometry

ZA-SANS, Nitrate nitrogen ultraviolet detection method

  • SANS 13395:1996 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection

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