






Gas Chromatography Standards

Gas Chromatography Standards, Total:491 items.

In the international standard classification, Gas Chromatography Standards involves: Protection against crime, Analytical chemistry, General methods of tests and analysis for food products, Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries, Nuclear energy engineering, Microbiology, Products of the chemical industry, Organic chemicals, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general, Fertilizers, Optics and optical measurements, Insulating fluids, Laboratory medicine, Petroleum products in general, Animal feeding stuffs, Vocabularies, Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment, Farm buildings, structures and installations, Water quality, Air quality, Farming and forestry, Fuels, Protection against fire, Soil quality. Pedology, Milk and milk products, Beverages, Pesticides and other agrochemicals, Fruits. Vegetables, Natural gas, Products of the textile industry, Tea. Coffee. Cocoa, Paints and varnishes, Terminology (principles and coordination), Rubber, Electronic components in general, Textile fibres, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology, Wastes, Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds, Materials for the reinforcement of composites, Sports equipment and facilities, FOOD TECHNOLOGY, Plastics, Paint ingredients, Footwear, Power stations in general, Food products in general, Testing of metals, Lubricants, industrial oils and related products, Environmental protection, Sterilization and disinfection, Domestic safety, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs, Equipment for entertainment, Biology. Botany. Zoology.

國家市場監(jiān)督管理總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • GB/T 39876-2021 Examination methods for cocaine in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39883-2021 Examination methods for morphine in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39885-2021 Examination methods for triazolam in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39881-2021 Examination methods for methaqualone in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39880-2021 Examination methods for methadone in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39874-2021 Examination methods for bromazepam in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39875-2021 Examination methods for chlordiazepoxide in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39877-2021 Examination methods for diazepam in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39878-2021 Examination methods for estazolam in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39879-2021 Examination methods for five components in opium in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39884-2021 Examination methods for three components in cannabis in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 39882-2021 Examination methods for methylene dioxymetham phetamine in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 30431-2020 Gas chromatography for laboratory
  • GB/T 40891-2021 Determination of lyral in cosmetics—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 40845-2021 Determination of azelaic acid in cosmetics-Gas chromatography method
  • GB/T 40844-2021 Determination of synthetic musks in cosmetics—GC-MS method
  • GB/T 39699-2020 Rubber—Identification of polymers—Pyrolytic gas-chromatographic method using mass-spectrometric detection
  • GB/T 40031-2021 Determination of polychlorinated naphthalenes in electrical and electronic products—Gas chromatorgaphy-mass spectrometry method
  • GB/T 39298-2020 Reclaimed water quality—Determination of benzene homologues—Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 40896-2021 Determination of diethylene glycol monoethyl ether in cosmetics—Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 40460-2021 Determination of plant growth regulators in fertilizers—Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 40500-2021 Determination of total aromatics composition in aviation fuels—Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 39183-2020 Determination of the migration quantity of nitrosamines in consumer products—Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 38397-2019 Coal tar—Determination of component content—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and thermogravimetry
  • GB/T 40394-2021 Determination of trace trimethylamine in methanol for industrial use—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • GB/T 29637-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for ketamine in suspected drug
  • GB/T 29635-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for heroin in suspected drug
  • GB/T 4946-2008 Terms of gas chromatography
  • GB/T 29636-2013 GC,HPLC and GC-MS examination methods for methylamphetamine in suspected drug
  • GB/T 4946-1985 Terms of gas chromatography
  • GB/T 26515.2-2011 Essential oils.General guidance on chromatographic profiles.Part 2:Utilization of chromatographic profiles of samples of essential oils
  • GB/T 26515.1-2011 Essential oils.General guidance on chromatographic profiles.Part 1:Preparation of chromatographic profiles for presentation in standards
  • GB/T 7131-1986 Identification of polymers by pyrolytic gas chromatography
  • GB/T 32206-2015 Standard practice for testing electrolytic conductivity detectors used in gas chrometography
  • GB/T 24313-2009 Determination of olefin in beeswax.Gas chromatographic-mass spectrum method
  • GB/T 22730-2008 Determination of chloroform in toothpaste.Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 32205-2015 Standard practice for testing thermal conductivity detectors used in gas chromatography
  • GB/T 8381.9-2005 Determination of Choramphenicol in Feeds Gas Chromatography
  • GB/T 32264-2015 Method of performance testing for gas chromatography-single quadrupole mass pectrometry
  • GB/T 29677-2013 Determination of nitromethane in cosmetics.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 8981-1988 Determination of trace hydrogen in gases--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 30430-2013 Standard column used for evaluating gas chromatography
  • GB/T 17071-1997 Workplace air--Determination of benzyl cyanide--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 23376-2009 Determination of pesticides residues in tea.GC/MS method
  • GB/T 29672-2013 Determination of acrylonitrile in cosmetics.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 23355-2009 Cigarettes.Determination of nicotine in smoke condensates.Gas-chromatographic method
  • GB/T 10410.3-1989 Analysis of liquefied petroleum gas composition by gas chromatography
  • GB/T 14672-1993 Water quality. Determination of pyridine. Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 17069-1997 Workplace air--Determination of propionic acid--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 18294.5-2010 Technical identification methods for fire.Part 5:Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis
  • GB/T 2601-2008 The chromatographic method for determination of content of hydroxybenzene
  • GB/T 17070-1997 Workplace air--Determination of benzyl chloride--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 23213-2008 Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils.GC-MS method
  • GB/T 22035-2008 Test of vegetable fat in milk and milk products.Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 16118-1995 Workplace air--Determination of rogor--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 21914-2008 Determination of benzyl acetate in tea-drink.Gas chromatography method
  • GB/T 10410.1-1989 Analysis of manufactured gas composition by gas chromatography
  • GB/T 39234-2020 Determination of phthalate esters in soil—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
  • GB/T 16110-1995 Workplace air--Determination of phosphorus--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 30088-2013 Determination of methyl eugenol in cosmetics by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method
  • GB/T 13610-2014 Analysis of natural gas composipion.Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 29676-2013 Determination of chlorobutanol in cosmetics.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 24281-2009 Textiles.Determination of volatile organic compounds.Gas chromatography/mass spectrography
  • GB/T 16112-1995 Workplace air--Determination of dinitrobenzene--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 28726-2012 Gas analysis.Gas chromatograph with helium ionization detector
  • GB/T 13610-2003 Analysis of natural gas by gas Chromatography
  • GB/T 32207-2015 Standard practice for use of electron-capture detectors in gas chromatography
  • GB/T 18294.3-2006 Technical identification method for fire.Part 3:Gas chromatography analysis
  • GB/T 26411-2010 Determination of 16 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in seawater by GC-MS
  • GB/T 30739-2014 Determination of n-alkanes in marine sediment.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 32190-2015 Standard practice for using flame photometric detectors in gas chromatography
  • GB/T 23992-2009 Determination of chlorhydrocarbon content in coatings.Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 8381.8-2005 Determination of Polychlorobiphenyls(PCBs)in Feeds-Gas Chromatography
  • GB/T 30492-2014 Natural gas.Gas chromatographic requirements for hydrocarbon dewpoint calculation
  • GB/T 17066-1997 Workplace air--Determination of diethylamine--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 21676-2008 Milk and dairy products.Determination of fatty acid content.Gas=liquid chromatography
  • GB/T 8981-2008 Determination of trace hydrogen in gases.Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 18414.1-2006 Textiles. Determination of the content of chlorinated phenols. Part 1: Gas chromatography/mass spectrography
  • GB/T 10410-2008 Analysis of manufactured gas and liquefied petroleum gas normal composition by gas chromatography
  • GB/T 24800.10-2009 Determination of 19 flavors in cosmetics by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • GB/T 29616-2013 Thermoplastic elastomer.Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 17592.1-1998 Textiles--Test method of the use of banned azo colourants--Gas chromatography/mass spectrography method
  • GB/T 16113-1995 Workplace air--Determination of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 24199-2009 Refined pyridine.Determination of pyridine content.Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 33345-2016 Determination of short chain chlorinated paraffins in electrical and electronic products—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 18414.2-2006 Textiles. Determination of the content of chlorinated phenols. Part 2: Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 7375-1987 Fluorinated methanes for industrial uses--Determination of purity--Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 2604-1981 o-Cresol--Determination of composition--Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 13192-1991 Water quality--Determination of organic phosphorous pesticide in water--Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 7492-1987 Water quality--Determination of BHC and DDT--Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 8038-2009 Toluene of coal carbonization-Determination of hydrocarbon impurities gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 16045-1995 Workplace air--Determination of benzene--Thermal desorption gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 41953-2022 Paints and varnishes—Determination of water content of coating materials—Gas-chromatographic method
  • GB/T 18606-2001 The standard test method for biomarker in sediment and crude oil by GC-MS
  • GB/T 30773-2014 Determination of residual phenol content in phenolic resins by gas chromatography
  • GB/T 16051-1995 Workplace air--Determination of xylene--Thermal desorption gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 32210-2015 Technical requirements and test methods for portable gas chromatography-mass spectrometer
  • GB/T 31413-2015 Binders for paints and varnishes.Identification of Gum rosin.Gas-chromatographic analysis
  • GB/T 24800.11-2009 Determination of benzyl alcohol as antiseptic in cosmetics by gas chromatography method
  • GB/T 16093-1995 Workplace air--Determination of hexachlorobenzene--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 16117-1995 Workplace air--Determination of methyl parathion--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 17065-1997 Workplace air--Determination of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 23750-2009 Determination of glyphosate residues in plant products.GC-MS method
  • GB/T 17068-1997 Workplace air--Determination of formic acid--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 17064-1997 Workplace air--Determination of methyl mercaptan--Gas chromatography method
  • GB/T 6022-1999 Butadiene for indusdrial use-Determination of oxygen in the gaseous phase above liquid butadiene-Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 14550-2003 Method of gas chromatographic for determination of BHC and DDT in soil
  • GB/T 2601-1981 Products from phenols--Determination of composition--Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 39695-2020 Identification of volatile components of rubber fumes—Thermodesorption and gas chromatographic method with mass spectrometric detection
  • GB/T 14552-2003 Method of gas chromatographic for determination of organophosphorus pesticides in water and soil
  • GB/T 17474-1998 Standard test method for benzene in hydrocarbon solvents by gas chromatography
  • GB/T 3392-2003 Propylene for industrial use--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 16092-1995 Workplace air--Determination of DDT--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 22501-2008 Animal and vegetable fats and oils.Determination of wax content of olive oils by gas chromatography
  • GB/T 16048-1995 Workplace air--Determination of toluene--Thermal desorption gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 22979-2008 Determination of boscalid residues in milk and milk powder.GC-MS method
  • GB/T 27525-2011 Cigarettes.Determination of Benzo(α) pyrene in sidestream smoke. GC-MS method
  • GB/T 29784.2-2013 Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in electrical and electronic products.Part 2:Gas chromatographic method with mass spectrometric detection
  • GB/T 12033-2008 Determination of carbohydrate composition in raw materials and pulps by gas chromatography
  • GB/T 19372-2003 Determination of pyrethroids residues in feeds-Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 16111-1995 Workplace air--Determination of dimethyl formamide--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 32193-2015 Standard practice for testing flame ionization detectors used in gas or supercritical fluid chromatography
  • GB/T 6015-1999 Butadiene for industrial use-Determination of trace dimer-Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 8038-1987 Toluene of coal carbonization--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities-gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 23358-2009 Cigarettes.Determination of major aromatic amines in total particulate matter of mainstream cigarette smoke.GC-MS method
  • GB/T 3144-1982 Toluene--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities--Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 5009.204-2005 GC-MS method for determination of acrylamide in food
  • GB/T 30518-2014 Determination of dissolved residues of liquefied petroleum gases.High temperature gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 18932.20-2003 Method for the determination of chloramphenicol residues in honey-GC-MS method
  • GB/T 16049-1995 Workplace air--Determination of xylene--Direct injection gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 17074-1997 Workplace air--Determination acetaldehyde--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 18414.1-2001 Textiles--Determination of the residues of pentachlorophenol Part 1: Gas chromatography/mass spectrography
  • GB/T 17073-1997 Workplace air--Determination of cyclohexanone--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 16052-1995 Workplace air--Determination of styrene--Direct injection gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 17623-1998 Determination of componental contents of gases dissolved in insulating oil by gas chromatography method
  • GB/T 25225-2010 Animal and vegetable fats and oils.Determination and identification of a volatile organic contaminant by GC/MS
  • GB/T 14455.9-1993 Essential oils. Analysis by gas chromatography on packed columns. General method
  • GB/T 19267.10-2008 Physical and chemical examination of trace evidence in forensic sciences.Part 10:Gas chromatography
  • GB/T 41764-2022 Determination of photoinitiator content in radiation curable coatings—Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method
  • GB/T 41524-2022 Determination of short chain chlorinated paraffins in toy materials—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 3393-1993 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use. Determination of trace of hydrogen. Gas chromatographic method
  • GB/T 19267.7-2008 Physical and chemical examination of trace evidence in forensic sciences.Part 7:Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
  • GB/T 14551-1993 Organisms quality. Determination of BHC and DDT. Gas chromatography

司法部, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SF/T 0113-2021 Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography test methods for cyanide in blood
  • SF/T 0108-2021 Paint Inspection Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
  • SF/T 0064-2020 Gas chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry detection method for 188 poisons (drugs) in blood

Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • GA/T 1008.2-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 2:Morphine
  • GA/T 1615-2019 Clozapine Detection in Forensic Science Biological Samples by Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • GA/T 1008.8-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 8:Triazolam
  • GA/T 1915-2021 Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide in Forensic Science Biological Samples
  • GA/T 1008.6-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 6:Methadone
  • GA/T 1008.12-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 12:Chlordiazepoxide
  • GA/T 1614-2019 Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of ketamine in forensic science biological samples
  • GA/T 1008.4-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 4:Cocaine
  • GA/T 1629-2019 Paraquat detection in blood and urine for forensic science by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GA/T 1008.10-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 10:Diazepam
  • GA/T 1989-2022 Forensic Science Testing of Promethazine in Suspected Drugs Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • GA/T 1620-2019 Chlorpheniramine Test Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in Forensic Science Biological Samples
  • GA/T 1603-2019 Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Dephenidol Test in Forensic Science Biological Samples
  • GA/T 1928-2021 AB-CHMINACA, AB-FUBINACA, and AB-PINACA Tests by Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in Forensic Science Suspected Drugs
  • GA/T 1008.9-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 9:Estazolam
  • GA/T 933-2011 Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry detection method for fluoroacetate ions in biological samples
  • GA/T 1008.3-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 3:Three components in cannabis
  • GA/T 1631-2019 Forensic science blood, urine, mirtazapine and fluoxetine testing by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GA/T 208-2019 Phosphine Detection in Forensic Science Biological Samples by Headspace Gas Chromatography and Headspace Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • GA/T 1641-2019 Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Phenylpropane A and Teprofen A in Suspected Drugs in Forensic Science
  • GA/T 1922-2021 Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Eight Fentanyl-like Substances in Suspected Drugs in Forensic Science
  • GA/T 1008.5-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 5:MDMA
  • GA/T 1622-2019 Gas Chromatography, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Examination of Nereistoxin, Dimehytap, Cyclodime and Cartap in Forensic Science Biological Samples
  • GA/T 1008.11-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 11:Bromazepam
  • GA/T 1612-2019 Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of eight organophosphorus pesticides such as dimethoate in forensic science biological samples
  • GA/T 1634-2019 Forensic science hair, blood phenylpropanoid A and other four phenylpropanoid A drug testing gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GA/T 1991-2022 Forensic Science Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Testing Five Cathinone Drugs including Cathinone in Suspected Drugs
  • GA/T 1627-2019 Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of four phenoxycarboxylic acid herbicides including 2,4-D in forensic science biological samples
  • GA/T 1606-2019 Fast solvent extraction gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of five organophosphorus pesticides including chlorpyrifos in forensic science biological samples
  • GA/T 1658-2019 Forensic Science Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Test Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • GA/T 1932-2021 Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of benzylpiperazine, 1-(3-chlorophenyl)piperazine, and 1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)piperazine in suspected drugs of forensic science
  • GA/T 1941-2021 Forensic Science Heavy Mineral Oil Examination Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • GA/T 1791-2021 Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of seven phenethylamines including 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylphenethylamine in suspected drugs in forensic science
  • GA/T 1795-2021 Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of 5,6-methylenedioxy-2-aminoindan, 2-aminoindan, ethylaminopropylbenzofuran in suspected drugs in forensic science
  • GA/T 1623-2019 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Aldicarb in Forensic Science Biological Samples
  • GA/T 121-2019 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Cantharidin Detection in Forensic Science Biological Samples
  • GA/T 1621-2019 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Buprofezin in Forensic Science Biological Samples
  • GA/T 1789-2021 Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, and Liquid Chromatography for the Detection of Hydroxylimine in Suspected Precursor Chemicals in Forensic Science
  • GA/T 1940-2021 Forensic Science RDX, Taian and Turtle Test Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • GA/T 187-2021 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Dichlorvos and Trichlorfon in Forensic Science Biological Samples
  • GA/T 1633-2019 Forensic Science Blood, Urine Ethyl Glucuronide Detection Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

海關(guān)總署, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SN/T 0654-2019 Determination of Captan Residues in Exported Fruits by Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
  • SN/T 5112-2019 Determination of propylene glycol content in food animals and feed for import and export by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 5348-2021 Determination of industrial nonanol content by gas chromatography
  • SN/T 5267-2020 Determination of carafloral in detergent products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 5261-2020 Determination of aromatic compounds in hydrocarbons by gas chromatography
  • SN/T 5319-2021 Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in leather using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 5339-2021 Determination of carafloraldehyde in imported and exported textiles by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 2922-2022 Determination of EPA, DHA and AA in health foods for export by gas chromatography
  • SN/T 5340-2021 Determination of 1,3-propane sultone in textiles for import and export by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 5427-2022 Determination of nitrobenzene compounds in imported and exported textiles by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Professional Standard - Petroleum, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SY/T 5191-2011 Gas chromatograph mud logging unit
  • SY/T 5191-1993 Specifications for Gas Chromatography Logging Tool
  • SY/T 0542-2008 Components of natural gasoline analysis.Gas chromatography method
  • SY/T 6941-2013 Specification for geochemical log of reservoir pyrolysis gas chromatography
  • SY/T 0542-1994 Gas Chromatography for the Analysis of Stable Light Hydrocarbon Components
  • SY/T 6188-1996 Gas Chromatographic Analysis Method of Rock Pyrolysis
  • SY/T 5779-2008 Analytical method of hydrocarbons in petroleum and sediment by gas chromatography

Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB13/T 5097-2019 Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Examination Method for 3-Fluoro-4-cyanophenol Ester Liquid Crystal Monomers

Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SN/T 0590-2013 Determination of 2,4-D butyl ester residues in meat and meat products for export.GC and GC-MS method
  • SN/T 4114-2015 Determination of anthracene in carbon black.Gas chromatography-mass spetrometry
  • SN/T 2926-2011 Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in shoe materials by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 0148-2011 Determination of organophosphorus residues in fruits and vegetables for import and export.GC-FPD and GC-MS methods
  • SN/T 1877.7-2010 Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in used tyres.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 1495-2004 Determination of phthalates in cosmetics-Gas chromatography
  • SN/T 2450-2010 Determination of dimethyl fumarate in textiles-Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 1802-2006 B1 in interior coatings. Determination of Alcohol Ethers by Gas Chromatography
  • SN/T 3998-2014 Determination of hexabromocyclododecane in coatings.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 2492-2010 Determination of molecular weight of liquefied petroleum gas- Gas chromatography
  • SN/T 0604-2014 Determination of duren residue in vegetable for export.GC-MS method
  • SN/T 2188-2011 Determination of organotin in coatings for import and export.Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 3310-2012 Import and export textiles.Determination of formaldehyde.Gas chromatography method
  • SN/T 3467.1-2013 Determination of polychlorinated naphthalenes in electrical and electronic products.Gas chromatorgaphy-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 3123-2012 Determination of musk xylene in detergent products.Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 2787-2011 Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in import and export cartons by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 3781-2014 Determination of α-bromocinamic aldehyde in textiles for import and export.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 3344-2012 Determination of free glycerin in crude glycerin.Gas chromatography
  • SN/T 2742-2010 Determination of the plasticizers in PVC materials for export.GC-MS
  • SN/T 1792-2014 Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in electrical insulating oil.Gas chromatography
  • SN/T 1851-2006 Determination of retardant in textiles. GC-MS mothod
  • SN/T 4013-2013 Determination of iprodione residues in foodstuffs for export.GC-MS method
  • SN/T 2234-2008 Determination of profenofos residues in food for import and export.GC and GC-MS method
  • SN/T 2454-2010 Determination of dimethyl fumarate in mildew preventives-Gas chromatography spectrometry
  • SN/T 2463-2010 Method for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in textiles-GC method
  • SN/T 3784-2014 Determination of 2,4-dinitrotoluene in textiles for import and export.Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 3602-2013 Determination of organic oxygenate compounds in naphtha.Gas chromatography
  • SN/T 3225.3-2012 Textiles.Determination of triclosan.Part 3:Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • SN/T 3607-2013 Determination of volatile nitrosamines in cosmetics.Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method
  • SN/T 2593.2-2010 Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in electrical and electronic equipment.Part 2:Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 3642-2013 Determination of metalaxyl residues in fruits for export.GC/MS method
  • SN/T 1111-2002 Determination of Glycerol Content by Capillary Gas Chromatography
  • SN/T 3225.2-2012 Textiles.Determination of triclosan.Part 2:Gas chromatography method
  • SN/T 1877.8-2011 Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in wood and wood products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 3695.2-2014 Determination of mirex in electrical and electronic products.Part 2:Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • SN/T 2446-2010 Determination of dimethyl fumarate in leather and leather products-Gas chromatography-mass method
  • SN/T 2456-2010 Determination of propham residues in food for import and export-GC-MS method
  • SN/T 3616-2013 Determination of volatile organic compounds in wood materials.Headspace-GC-MS method
  • SN/T 3603-2013 Quantitative screening of anthracene oil in rubber products.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • SN/T 3342-2012 Determination of residual monomers in acrylic resin.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 2910.3-2012 Identification method of irradiated food for export.Part 3:GC/MS
  • SN/T 2250-2009 Determination of plasticizers in plastics and plastic articles.Gas Chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)method
  • SN/T 1982-2007 Determination of fipronil residues in food for import and export.GC-MS method
  • SN/T 1947-2007 Determination of fluroxypyr residues in foods for import and export.GC-MS method
  • SN/T 4007-2013 Determination of volatile organic compounds in electrical and electronic products.Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry method
  • SN/T 1787-2006 Determination of the metaldehyde in meta for import and export - Gas chromatography method
  • SN/T 3938-2014 Food contact materials.Polymers.Determination of organotin compounds.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 1968-2007 Determination of prometryne residues in food for import and export.GC-MS Method
  • SN/T 1989-2007 Determination of daminozide residues in food for import and export.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • SN/T 3225.4-2012 Textiles.Determination of triclosan.Part 4:Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method
  • SN/T 3918-2014 Determination of polychlorinated terphenyls in plastics and plastic products.Gas chromatograph method
  • SN/T 3525-2013 Determination of styrene in adhesives used in buiding for import and export.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 1972-2007 Determination of atrazine residue in foods for import and export.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method
  • SN/T 2646-2010 Determination of tebufenpyrad residues in food for import and export.GC-MS method
  • SN/T 2232-2008 Determination of triadimenol residue in foods for import and export.GC-MS method
  • SN/T 3819-2014 Determination of 2-(2-butoxyethoxy) ethanol in liquid abstergent.Gas chromatography
  • SN/T 3618.2-2013 Determination of acetophenone in plastic materials - Part 2: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • EJ/T 651-1992 Nickel-63β Radioactive Source for Gas Chromatography

Jilin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB22/T 243-2019 Vibrio cholerae Detection Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB22/T 2292-2015 Determination of Cantharidin in Cosmetics by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB22/T 1826-2013 Determination of Fenoterol in Feed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB22/T 1612-2012 Determination of propanil residues in ginseng by gas chromatography
  • DB22/T 2466-2016 Determination of Propiconazole Residues in Soil by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB22/T 2852-2017 Determination of Toxaphene Residues in Ginseng Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
  • DB22/T 2084-2014 Detection of organochlorine pesticide residues in soil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • DB22/T 1229-2011 Determination of propiconazole residues in ginseng-gas chromatography
  • DB22/T 1753-2012 Determination of Atrazine and Acetochlor in Soil by Gas Chromatography

Professional Standard - Customs, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • HS/T 23-2009 Determination of naphthalene content.gas chromatography

Professional Standard - Education, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • JY/T 021-1996 General rules for analytical gas chromatography methods

Professional Standard - Geology, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DZ 51-1987 Gas Chromatography Analysis of Saturated Hydrocarbons

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB37/T 3757-2019 Determination of Paclobutrazol in Fertilizers by Gas Chromatography
  • DB37/T 3311-2018 Determination of Nitrogen Mustard in Cosmetics by Gas Chromatography
  • DB37/T 3759-2019 Determination of Triacontanol in Fertilizers by Gas Chromatography
  • DB37/T 4162-2020 Determination of Odor and Taste Substances in Water Quality by Solid Phase Extraction-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB37/T 1955-2011 Determination of Pyridaben Residues in Vegetables by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB37/T 4160-2020 Water quality—Determination of thioether—Headspace-gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry
  • DB37/T 3312-2018 Determination of Cantharidin in Cosmetics by Gas Chromatography
  • DB37/T 3993-2020 Determination of benzene residues in edible oil—Headspace-GC/MS method
  • DB37/T 4622-2023 Determination of 15 pesticide residues in soil by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • DB37/T 3817-2019 Determination of Fatty Acid Content in Livestock and Poultry Muscle by Gas Chromatography
  • DB37/T 3867-2020 Method for Determination of HC6 Active Component Content by Gas Chromatography

National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • JJF 1164-2006 Calibration Specification for Bench Top Gas Chromatography.Mass Spectrometers

Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • YB/T 5078-2001 Method of determination by gas chromatography for naphthalene content in coal tar
  • YB/T 031-2012 Determination of the naphthalene content of coal tar pitch for road by gas chromatography

中華人民共和國國家衛(wèi)生和計劃生育委員會, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • WS/T 175-1999 Exhaled air.Determnation of acetone.Gas chromatographic method

Professional Standard - Electricity, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DL/T 703-1999 Determination of dissolved gas content in insulating oil by gas chromatography
  • DL/T 920-2005 Determination of air and carbon tetrafluoride content in sulphur hexafluoride by gas chromatography method

Jinlin Provincial Food Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DBS22/ 003-2012 Determination of Androgen in Raw Milk by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DBS22/ 004-2012 Determination of Cholesterol in Vegetable Oils by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DBS22/ 011-2013 Determination of ethyl carbamate in beverage alcohol by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Professional Standard - Hygiene , Gas Chromatography Standards

  • WS/T 51-1996 Exhaled air.Determination of benzene.Gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 41-1996 Exhaled air.determination of carbon disulfide.Gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 50-1996 Urine.Determination of phenol.Gas chromatographic method.II FFAP column
  • WS/T 173-1999 Workplace air.Determination of carbon monoxide.Gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 141-1999 Workplace air.Determination of total hydrocarbon except for methane.Gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 70-1996 Workplace air.Determination of dimethyl acetamide.Gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 71-1996 Workplace air.Determination of propenol.Direct injection gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 49-1996 Urine.Determination of phenol.Gas chromatographic method.I Liquid crystal column
  • WS/T 164-1999 Workplace air.Determination of n-butylamine.Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 172-1999 Workplace air.Determination of decaline and tetraline.Gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 165-1999 Workplace air.Determination of iso-octanol.Gas chromatographic method
  • WS/T 59-1996 Urine.Determination of 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene.Gas chromatographic method

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • HJ 754-2015 Water quality-Determination of atrazine by Gas chromatography
  • HJ 959-2018 Water quality-Determination of tetraethyl lead-Headspace/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • HJ 902-2017 Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in ambient air by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • HJ 867-2017 Ambient air - Determination of phthalateesters - Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
  • HJ 591-2010 Water quality.Determination of pentachlorophenol by gas chromatography
  • HJ 909-2017 Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in water by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • HJ 744-2015 Water quality—Determination of phenols compounds—Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • HJ 715-2014 Water quality — Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) — Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • HJ 696-2014 Water quality.Determination of turpentine.Gas chromatography method
  • HJ 900-2017 Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Ambient Air by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 697-2014 Water quality.Determination of acrylamide.Gas chromatography method
  • HJ 950-2018 Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Solid Waste by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 788-2016 Water quality- Determination of Acetonitrile- Purge and Trap/Gas chromatography
  • HJ 1072-2019 Water quality-Determination of pyridine-Headspace/gas chromatography
  • HJ 852-2017 Ambient air - Determination of indicative toxaphene - Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • HJ 1195-2021 Determination of 10 Halogenated Hydrocarbons as Gas Refrigerants by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 866-2017 Water quality - Determination of turpentine —Purge and trap/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • HJ 614-2011 Soil.Determination of tetramethylene disulphotetramine.Gas chromatography method
  • HJ 739-2015 Ambient air.Determination of nitroaromatics.Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • HJ 912-2017 Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Solid Waste by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 891-2017 Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Solid Waste by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 711-2014 Solid waste.Determination of phenolic compounds.Gas chromatography
  • HJ 895-2017 Water quality-Determination of methanol and acetone-Headspace/gas chromatography
  • HJ 743-2015 Soil and sediment — Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)— Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • HJ 716-2014 Water quality.Determination of nitroaromatics.Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • HJ 604-2011 Ambient air.Determination of total hydrocarbons.Gas chromatographic method
  • HJ 805-2016 Soil and Sediment–Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon by Gas chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Method
  • HJ 768-2015 Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Solid Waste by Gas Chromatography
  • HJ 952-2018 Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in soil and sediment by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • HJ 976-2018 Determination of Benzene Series in Solid Waste by Headspace Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 1079-2019 Determination of Chlorobenzene Compounds in Waste Gases from Stationary Pollution Sources by Gas Chromatography
  • HJ 1067-2019 Water quality-Determination of benzene and its analogies-Headspace/gas chromatography
  • HJ 1150-2020 Determination of Nitrophenol Compounds in Water Quality by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 896-2017 Water quality – Determination of butyl xanthate-Purge and trap/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • HJ 835-2017 Soil and sediment – Determination of organochlorine pesticides– Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry
  • HJ 758-2015 Determination of Halogenated Acetic Acids in Water by Gas Chromatography
  • HJ 903-2017 Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in ambient air by gas chromatography
  • HJ 822-2017 Water Quality Determination of Aniline Compounds Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 894-2017 Water Quality Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (C10-C40) by Gas Chromatography
  • HJ 738-2015 Ambient air.Determination of nitroaromatics.Gas chromatography
  • HJ 1196-2021 Determination of Industrial Cleaning Agents HCFC-141b, CFC-113, TCA and CTC by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 810-2016 Water quality –Determination of volatile organic compounds – Headspace / Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • HJ 901-2017 Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides in Ambient Air by Gas Chromatography
  • HJ 951-2018 Determination of semi-volatile organic compounds in solid waste by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • HJ 922-2017 Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in soil and sediment by gas chromatography
  • HJ 1194-2021 Determination of Liquid Refrigerants CFC-11 and HCFC-123 by Headspace/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ 1189-2021 Determination of 28 Organophosphorus Pesticides in Water Quality by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • HJ/T 39-1999 Stationary source emissio.Determination of chlorobenzenes.Gas chromatography
  • HJ 1021-2019 Determination of petroleum hydrocarbons (C10-C40) in soil and sediment by gas chromatography
  • HJ 1070-2019 Determination of 15 Chlorinated Herbicides in Water Quality by Gas Chromatography
  • HJ 646-2013 Ambient air and stationary source emissions.Determination of gas and particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
  • HJ 1219-2021 Determination of pyridine in ambient air and exhaust gas by gas chromatography
  • HJ 789-2016 Water quality- Determination of Acetonitrile Direct injection/Gas chromatography
  • HJ 1220-2021 Determination of six volatile carboxylic acid compounds in ambient air by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Professional Standard - Tobacco, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • YC/T 405.3-2011 Tobacco and tobacco products.Determination of multi-pesticide residues.Part 3:Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method and gas chromatographic methods
  • YC/T 465-2013 Cigars.Determination of nicotine in smoke condensates.Gas-chromatographic method
  • YC/T 345-2010 Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of water content-Gas chromatographic method
  • YC/T 464-2013 Cigars.Determination of water in smoke condensates.Gas-chromatographic method
  • YC/T 376-2010 Determination of β-naphthol in tobacco additives.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • YC/T 286-2009 Cigarettes.Determination of menthol in mainstram cigarette smoke.Gas chromatographic method
  • YC/T 471-2013 Tobacco and tobacco products.Determination of ergosterol.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • YC/T 361-2010 Determination of β-asarone in tobacco additives-Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • YC/T 360-2010 Determination of diethyl pyrocarbonate in tobacco additives-Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • YC/T 386-2011 Determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in soil.Gas chromatographic method

Professional Standard - Agriculture, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • NY/T 1033-2006 Determination of cimaterol in feeds.Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method
  • NY/T 1030-2006 Determination of salbutamol in feeds.Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method
  • NY/T 1379-2007 Multi residue Determination of 334 Pesticides in Vegetable by GC/MS and LC/MS
  • NY/T 1456-2007 Determination of prochloraz residue in fruits by gas chromatography
  • NY/T 91-1988 Determination of erucic acid in the oil of rapeseed.Gas chromatographic method
  • NY/T 1661-2008 Determination of PCBs contents in milk and dairy products.Gas chromatography method
  • NY/T 468-2006 Determination of residual clenbuterol in animal tissues gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
  • 85藥典 四部-2015 0521 Gas chromatography
  • 66藥典 四部-2020 0521 Gas chromatography
  • NY/T 468-2001 Determination of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride in Animal Tissues by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • NY/T 1721-2009 Determination of propargite residues in tea by GC
  • NY/T 1662-2008 Determination of 1,2-propylene glycol in milk and dairy products.Gas chromatography method
  • 205藥典 三部-2020 Chromatography 0521 Gas Chromatography

Professional Standard - Machinery, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • JB/T 9360-1999 Test method for thermal conductivity detector of gas chromatography
  • JB/T 5227.6-1991 Plug screws for tubing accessories for gas chromatographs
  • JB/T 9361-1999 Test method for flame ionization detector of gas chromatography

國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗檢疫總局, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SN/T 4568-2016 Perfluoroalkyl iodide product content determination gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 4675.9-2016 Determination of diethylene glycol in exported wines by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 4691-2016 Determination of aziridine in wood and wood products by gas chromatography
  • SN/T 4578-2016 Determination of 9 sunscreen agents in imported and exported cosmetics by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SN/T 4675.13-2016 Determination of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole residues in exported wines by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB35/T 1657-2017 Determination of Eugenol in Aquaculture Water by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB35/T 1868-2019 Determination of perfluorooctanoic acid content in plastic products by gas chromatography
  • DB35/T 1177-2011 Determination of Hydrocarbon Impurities in Dissolved Acetylene by Gas Chromatography
  • DB35/T 1821-2019 Determination of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in plastic products by gas chromatography

Professional Standard - Petrochemical Industry, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SH/T 0400-1992 Gas Chromatographic Determination of Paraffin Carbon Number Distribution
  • SH/T 0693-2000 Standard test method for determination of benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene,p/m-xylene,o-xylene,C9 and heavier aromatics,and total aromatics in finished gasoline by gas chromatography
  • SH/T 0695-2000 Standard test method for engine oil volatility by gas chromatography
  • SH/T 0741-2004 Standard test method for determination of hydrocarbon types composition in gasoline by multidimensional gas chromatography
  • SH/T 1754-2006 Sec-butyl alcohol for industrial use Determination of purity Gas chromatographic method
  • SH/T 1488-1992 Determination of Nonaromatic Hydrocarbons in High Purity Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography
  • SH/T 1756-2006 Methyl ethyl ketone for industrial use Determination of purity Gas chromatographic method
  • NB/SH/T 0808-2010 Diesel fuel diluent in used diesel engine oils by gas chromatography
  • SH/T 1793-2015 Cracking C<下標9> for industrial use.Determination of components.Gas chromatographic method
  • SH/T 1745-2004 Cumene(Isopropylbenzene) for industrial use--Determination of purity and impurities--Gas chromatographic method
  • SH/T 1483-2004 Isobutene for industrial use--Determination of oxy-compounds--Gas chromatographic method

National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • GBZ/T 326-2022 Standard Gas Chromatographic Method for Determination of Dichloromethane in Urine
  • GB 23200.47-2016 National food safety standards— Determination of clofentezine residue in foods Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB 23200.68-2016 National food safety standards- Determination of boscalid residue in foods Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GBZ/T 309-2018 Determination of acetone in urine headspace-gas chromatography
  • GB 23200.30-2016 National food safety standards— Determination of cyflufenamid residue in foods Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry
  • GBZ/T 313.2-2018 Determination of Trimethyltin Chloride in Urine Part 2: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • GBZ/T 310-2018 Determination of 1-Bromopropane in Urine Headspace-Gas Chromatography
  • GB 23200.78-2016 National food safety standards— Determination of crotoxyphos residues in meats and meat products Gas chromatography
  • GBZ/T 318.2-2018 Determination of trimethyltin chloride in blood part 2: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • GB 23200.61-2016 National food safety standards-Determination of propham residue in food Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB44/T 1709-2015 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Benzene Series in Corrected Products
  • DB44/T 1711-2015 Determination of Chlorobenzene Compounds in Aerosol by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB44/T 1031-2012 Determination of Methanol Content in Pulping Waste Liquid by Headspace Gas Chromatography

Professional Standard - Water Conservancy, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SL 464-2009 Determination of phthalates in water by gas chromatography

Professional Standard - Aquaculture, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SC/T 3039-2008 Determination of endosulfan residues in aquatic products by gas chromatography
  • SC/T 9412-2014 Determination of prometryne in aquaculture environments by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • SC/T 3040-2008 Determination of diedol residues in aquatic products by gas chromatography

Hubei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB4210/T 44-2022 Determination of chlorpyrifos residues in liquor by gas chromatography
  • DB4202/T 16-2021 Determination of thionon residues in rice by gas chromatography

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • T/GDAEM 1-2022 Water quality-Determination of 9 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)-Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
  • T/CSTM 00638-2022 Determination of aromatic hydrocarbon content in coatings— Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • T/GZTPA 0011-2021 Determination of Fatty Acids in Guizhou Tea by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • T/ZNZ 027-2020 Determination of squalene in edible vegetable oil by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • T/CNTAC 68-2020 Textiles—Determination of benzotriazole compounds—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • T/NAIA 0148-2022 Determination of phthalates in aquatic products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • T/SDJKR 002-2022 Identification method of donkey skin-derived components in donkey-hide gelatin by gas chromatography
  • T/CSTM 00195-2021 Determination of residual solvent content in [60]/[70] fullerene—Gas chromatography
  • T/SDJKR 003-2022 Identification method of donkey bone-derived components in donkey-hide gelatin by gas chromatography
  • T/CSTEA 00053-2022 Determination of Methyl Bromide Residue in Tea Headspace Gas Chromatography Method
  • T/SDAQI 031-2021 Determination of methanol content in liquefied petroleum gas by gas chromatography
  • T/NAIA 014-2020 Determination of Moisture Content in Methanol by Gas Chromatography
  • T/GDAEM 2-2022 Water quality-Determination of Methyl tert-butyl ether-Purge and trap/gas chromatography mass-spectrometry
  • T/GDCKCJH 070-2022 Determination of hexachloroprene (HCBD) in polymers—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
  • T/NAIA 066-2021 Determination of Fatty Acids by gas chromatography in Flaxseed Oil
  • T/SDAQI 030-2021 Determination of aromatic compounds in waterproof coatings by Gas chromatography- Mass spectrometry
  • T/NAIA 0141-2022 Determination of 1,2-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol in wine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • T/GDFDTAEC 04-2022 Determination of Divinylbenzene residue in Plant extract Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometr
  • T/JXJK 007-2022 Determination of ethanol concentration in disinfection products by gas chromatography
  • T/SATA 030-2022 Determination of sulfur ether and pyrazine compounds in water by headspace solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography–mass Spectrometry
  • T/SDAQI 011-2021 Determination of phthalate esters in solid air freshener Gaschromatography-mass spectrometry method
  • T/GZTPA 0008-2020 Gas Chromatography for Detection of Hidden Banned Organophosphorus in EC Pesticides

國家能源局, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • SY/T 7658-2021 Performance evaluation of natural gas online gas chromatograph

Liaoning Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB21/T 3305-2020 Determination of Toxaphene Residues in Soil by Gas Chromatography
  • DB21/T 3304-2020 Determination of Simazine Residues in Livestock Manure by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • NY/T 3173-2017 Determination of 9,10-anthraquinone content in tea by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • NY/T 3566-2020 Determination of fatty acid content in food crops by gas chromatography
  • NY/T 3170-2017 Determination of lentinin content in shiitake mushrooms using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • NY/T 3137-2017 Determination of carvacrol and thymol in feed by gas chromatography
  • NY/T 3835-2021 Determination of six amide herbicide residues in soil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

中華人民共和國環(huán)境保護部, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • (HJ 711-2014) Solid waste —Determination of phenolic compounds —Gas chromatography

Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB34/T 2823-2017 Qualitative identification method of paraffin in fungi products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • DB34/T 2994-2017 Determination of 18 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Carbon Black by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB34/T 3304-2018 Determination of 16 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Chinese Herbal Medicines by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB34/T 2778-2016 Determination of Thiofuramide Residue in Rice by Gas Chromatography
  • DB34/T 3189-2018 Determination of plasticizer in cellulose diacetate filter stick by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • DB34/T 2982-2017 Determination of plasticizers DHNUP and DIHP in plastics and their products Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • DB34/T 3242-2018 Determination of Dimethoxymethane Content in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography
  • DB34/T 1769-2012 Determination of 2,4 diaminotoluene in composite food packaging bags by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Inner Mongolia Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB15/T 2148-2021 Determination of Acrol in Ruminant Feces by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB15/T 1427-2018 Determination of Dimethyl Sulfate in Workplace Air by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • DB15/T 1242-2017 Determination of hexachlorosiloxane content in chlorosilane gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • DB15/T 1584-2019 Determination of Saturated Paraffins in Forage Grass by Gas Chromatography

Guangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB45/T 2256-2021 Determination of Caryophyllene Content in Heavy Turpentine Oil by Gas Chromatography

National Metrological Verification Regulations of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

Sichuan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB51/T 2180-2016 Determination of Methylal Content in Motor Gasoline by Gas Chromatography
  • DB51/T 1921-2014 Determination of Toluene Content in Nail Polish by Gas Chromatography

Hunan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB43/T 2940-2024 Determination of sulfur dioxide in pickled vegetable embryos by gas chromatography
  • DB43/T 1656-2019 Determination of Propylene Glycol Content in Wet Wipes Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
  • DB43/T 1652-2019 Determination of Calcium Carbonate Content in Tissue Paper by Headspace Gas Chromatography

Agricultural Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

國家林業(yè)和草原局, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • LY/T 3157-2019 Analysis method of chemical composition of rosin: capillary gas chromatography

Professional Standard - Light Industry, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • QB/T 4555-2013 Footwear.Chemical test method.Determination of acetophenone.GC/MS
  • QB/T 1863-1993 Determination of p-phenylenediamine in hair dye by gas chromatography

Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • HG/T 3500-2011 Chemical reagent.Test method for polarity constant of liquid stationary phase in gas chromatography
  • HG/T 3500-1982 Method for Determination of Polarity Constant of Chemical Reagent Gas Chromatography Stationary Liquid
  • HG/T 3501-2011 Chemical reagent.Determination of the effective plate number of solid support in a gas chromatography
  • HG/T 3501-1982 Determination of effective plate number of carriers used in chemical reagent gas chromatography

Jiangsu Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB32/T 3844-2020 Determination of content of bifenthrin preparation for termite control by gas chromatography

Professional Standard - Ocean, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • HY/T 179-2015 Determination of phthalate acid easters (PAEs) in the marine environment by gas chromatagraphy-mass spectrometry

Henan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB41/T 1425-2017 Determination of Methylal Content in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography

Shaanxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Gas Chromatography Standards

  • DB61/T 1423-2021 Determination of Soil Organochlorine Pesticides by Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

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