
ASTM D7700-15

Standard Guide for Selecting Test Methods for Geomembrane Seams

ASTM D7700-15
ASTM D7700-22
ASTM D7700-22
ASTM D4437 ASTM D4439 ASTM D5641 ASTM D5820 ASTM D6214/D6214M ASTM D6365 ASTM D6392 ASTM D6747 ASTM D7002 ASTM D7006 ASTM D7007 ASTM D7056 ASTM D7177 ASTM D7272 ASTM D7408 ASTM D7747 ASTM D7749

4.1 There are a large number of geomembrane types and seaming techniques. This guide is intended to help practitioners select the appropriate seam test methods for their material.

4.2 Geomembranes are relatively impermeable planar materials sheets that are shipped either as rolls or folded panels. The panels may be seamed in a factory or in the field. This guide provides geomembrane users with the most appropriate seam evaluation techniques for the most common geomembrane materials available on the market.

4.3 Some type of geomembrane may not be listed and some seam evaluation techniques may offer a good performance with a given material although this may not be indicated on Table 1. Users who are aware of this situation are invited to contact ASTM to propose an update of this guide.

X   =   Applicable
  =   Not Applicable

Note 1: This type of test not commonly performed on this type of material, but it can be performed if desired.

Note 2: While Test Method D6392 was originally developed for non-reinforced geomembranes, it is standard practice for some manufacturers, fabricators, designers, and installers to use this method for reinforced products. However, a new standard test method is being worked on in D35.10 for seam evaluation of reinforced geomembranes, which shall be preferred to Test Method D6392 as soon as it is available.

Note 3: Only provides evaluation of seam continuity, but not seam strength.

Note 4: May not be applicable to very flexible geomembranes, especially thinner ones, that will highly deform into the vacuum box.

Note 5: There are some experiences with air lance on HDPE geomembrane seams for hole detection, although this is not common practice.

Note 6: Typically applicable to materials that are 1.0 mm and thinner.

Note 7: When applicable.

Note 8: Applicable......

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材料試驗(yàn)機(jī)機(jī)--拉力機(jī)作為一種很搶手的傳動(dòng)機(jī)械,其選擇的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)一直是很難確定的,下面我們將要介紹到的只是其中一種方法,僅供參考。一、拉伸試驗(yàn) :拉伸試驗(yàn)(應(yīng)力-應(yīng)變?cè)囼?yàn))一般是將材料試樣兩端分別夾在兩個(gè)間隔一定距離的夾具上,兩夾具以一定的速度分離并拉伸試樣,測(cè)定試樣上的應(yīng)力變化,直到試樣破壞為止。拉伸...

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